Training for Factory Management

We are dedicated to empowering factory management teams with the knowledge and skills needed to uphold the highest standards of ethical sourcing and social compliance. Our training programs are designed to address key challenges faced by factory management.

Some of the trainings that we offer are as follows:

  • Working Hour Management: Learn effective strategies for managing and monitoring working hours to comply with labor laws and ensure fair practices. Our training helps you implement systems to track hours accurately and address overtime issues.

  • Foreign Worker Management: Gain insights into best practices for managing foreign workers, including compliance with visa regulations, providing adequate support, and ensuring fair treatment. Our training ensures that your practices are in line with legal requirements and ethical standards.

  • Enhanced Fire Safety Practices: Enhance your understanding of fire safety protocols and emergency preparedness. Our training covers the latest safety regulations, emergency response planning, and preventive measures to protect workers and facilities.

  • Worker-Management Dialogue Techniques: Develop effective communication techniques for engaging in constructive dialogue with workers. Our training focuses on fostering a positive working environment, resolving conflicts, and addressing worker concerns in a way that supports mutual respect and cooperation.